It’s simple. The barbs in all our SHURE SHOT and PENETRATOR fish points are guaranteed not to break, and they are guaranteed for life. Forever. Some years we’ve had zero returns. Other years we do get a few back… but damn few. If they do break, send the point back to us and we’ll put new barbs in for you – no cost. You pay the shipping to us, we pay the shipping going back your way.
I shoot about as many fish arrows as anyone I know. Most years I don’t have any broken barbs, but the barbs I have had break were due mostly to bending them in or out to make them either narrower or wider. We use .090 Music wire for the barbs, which is tough stuff. Like any metal though, bend it enough times and it creates a weak spot, which will eventually fatigue and break. Just remember though, unlike any other company, Shure Shot barbs are guaranteed for life. Forever.
– Ron Skirvin, Owner